Bounty & Soul Rooted in Health - Culinary Medicine Survey 2023 Welcome to the 2023 Bounty & Soul community engagement survey. Bounty & Soul values its community, and we thank you for your willingness to support and share your experiences. Your responses are important to us, as this survey will inform Bounty & Soul on levels of market participant satisfaction. Responses from this survey will also assist in developing Bounty & Soul’s Rooted in Health Culinary Medicine program! All responses will be kept anonymous and will be reported as groups, not individually. You have the option to not answer any, some, or all of the questions in this survey. Thank you for sharing your perspective! In expressing our gratitude further, see the end of the form to enter a drawing for a $50 money card!1. How often do you prepare meals that you consider healthy? 1 - 2 times a week 3 - 4 times a week 5 - 6 times a week 7 times a week or greater I rarely cook healthy meals 2. What are you interested in learning more about? (Check all that apply) Nutrition and the health benefits of food Learning more about culturally specific foods/meals Cooking skills How to prepare healthy meals in under 30 minutes Disease prevention: Diabetes Disease prevention: Heart Disease Disease prevention: Inflammation Disease prevention: Osteoporosis 3. What other topics are you interested in learning about? (Check all that apply) Sleep Emotional and mental wellbeing Physical health Stress management Other (Please share details) Other (Please share details)4. How do you like to learn? Handout Class setting Video Other (Please share details): Please share details:5. Do you enjoy cooking/preparing fresh foods? Yes No If No, why? If No, why?6. How many times a week do you attend Bounty & Soul market?7. What challenges do you experience around cooking healthy meals: (Check all that apply) Time Equipment Knowledge Apprehension Other (Please share details) Other (Please share details)Please complete the following section if you have attended a Bounty & Soul cooking demo8. What was your knowledge of nutrition before attending Bounty & Soul cooking demos? None at all Some nutrition knowledge Adequate nutrition knowledge Above average nutrition knowledge Proficient nutrition knowledge 9. What is your current knowledge of nutrition (after having attended Bounty & Soul cooking demos)? None at all Some nutrition knowledge Adequate nutrition knowledge Above average nutrition knowledge Proficient nutrition knowledge 10. What is something you learned during a Bounty & Soul cooking demo that you will utilize in your home?11. Please describe how we could improve your experience with Bounty & Soul:12. Do you have a topic that you would like to share for a Rooted in Health class? If so, please describe. (If interested in sharing, please provide your name and contact information so we can reach out to you and coordinate)Name & Contact info:Demographic Information13. How do you describe your race/ethnicity? Select all that apply (*Optional Question) African or Black Arab Asian Latinx or Hispanic Native American/Indigenous (South and North American) White Prefer not to answer Another (Please specify) Other:14. What is your age group? (*Optional question) 15 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 61+ 15. In what ZIP code do you reside?Listening SessionsLISTENING SESSIONS will be held in place of Culinary Medicine Cooking Demos at 11:00AM on 08/01 and at 3:30PM on 08/04. Food samples will be provided. If you are unable to attend an in-person listening session, please consider attending a virtual listening session to be held on Zoom. These listening sessions will give cooking demo participants a chance to share their experiences and provide input and feedback on what they want to learn and experience. If you wish to participate in a focus group/listening session, please contact Michael Ratliff at Links to the virtual listening session will be sent to those interested. Raffle EntryBounty & Soul greatly appreciates your time and feedback. To express our thanks, we extend a chance to win a Visa gift card worth $50. If you would like to be entered into a prize drawing to win a Visa gift card, please share your name and the BEST way to contact you:NameEmailTelephone