Annual Bounty & Soul Survey - 2021 This survey will be used to evaluate Bounty & Soul's programming, and will inform how we design future offerings based on your feedback, so we very much appreciate your responses! In expressing our gratitude further, see the end of the form to enter a drawing for a $25 money card!1. When did you begin using Bounty & Soul's programs, such as free produce distributions, cooking demonstrations, and health and wellness lessons? Today is my first or second time Fewer than 6 months ago 6 months - 1 year ago 1 - 2 years ago More than 2 years ago 2. How often do you participate in the following Bounty & Soul services and programming?NeverA Few TimesAt Least Once a MonthWeekly3. Do you feel valued during your Bounty & Soul Drive-Thru Market experience? Yes, always Yes, most times Sometimes No, never Comments4. Has Bounty & Soul helped you to increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables you eat? Yes, greatly Yes, somewhat Not much Not at all Comments5. Has participating in Bounty & Soul positively impacted your lifestyle choices, and overall health & wellbeing? Yes, greatly Yes, somewhat Not much Not at all Comments6. Without Bounty and Soul, would it be difficult for you to buy or eat fresh produce and nutritious foods for you or your family? Yes, always Yes, most times Sometimes No, never Comments7. Do you find the educational resources provided by Bounty & Soul (recipes, Nourishment Guides and Cooking Demo Samples) have positively impacted you and your family’s ability to cook and eat healthier? Yes, greatly Yes, somewhat Not much Not at all Comments8. Do you have children? If no, please go to question 9. Yes No Have the recipes, handouts and kids programming materials positively impacted the lives of you and your children? Yes No Please explain.Has Bounty & Soul increased your child’s consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, and helped them to eat a more balanced and healthy diet overall? Yes No Please explain.9. How can Bounty & Soul improve our services?What is your age group? (*Optional question) 18 and under 19-34 55-64 65-74 75+ How do you describe your race/ethnicity? Select all that apply (*Optional Question) White Non-Hispanic Hispanic/Latinx Black Non-Hispanic Native American Asian or Pacific Islander Other With which gender identity do you most identify? (* Optional Question) Female Male Transgender female Transgender male Gender Non-Conforming Not Listed Prefer not to answer RAFFLE ENTRY - Would you like to be entered into a prize drawing to win a $25 money card. Please share your name and the BEST way to contact you:NameEmailTelephone